Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just Add Love

'Community of Peace' Students
Lend a Hand to 'Neighbors in Need'
Five years ago one of the regulars at Stafford's Pier Restaurant threw a $100 bill on the bar and said, “Find a needy family, and give them Thanksgiving dinner.” So they did. The next year, the patron solicited donations from friends and Stafford’s invited participation from other 'regulars'. They began working with area food pantries, and the ‘Neighbors in Need’ program was born. For the past five years the project has grown. Last year, Stafford’s Pier Restaurant in Harbor Springs, Michigan, with the volunteer efforts of four delivery teams armed with map-quests, delivered 52 Thanksgiving dinners to area shut-ins and needy families. With the challenged economy this year's need is even greater.

Almost all volunteers come back with a tear in their eye and a wonderful story to tell, understanding they are truly fortunate people. Some insist on participating as a family to model humility and stewardship to their children. This year ‘Community of Peace’ students and parents will be meeting at the Crooked Tree Arts Center Art Room and Kitchen on Monday, November 17th and Monday, November 24th from 5-7pm to share a soup potluck while creating handmade cards for the recipients and promotional art for the project. To donate online contact

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